Primary exams experience

 So I haven't been back to this blog in a long time so unfortunately I missed a couple of comments asking how my experience was. I wrote about it in my main blog a while back but the memories have faded somewhat.

I do think it is a worthwhile thing to do especially if you are thinking of specialising (purely as an entry requirement). For myself who likes to learn about any relevant subject the content was good and helped mainly with the taking of a medical history (pathology and physiology) as well as understanding the microbiological basis of dental disease. However, considering the time involved in preparing for the exams and the cost involved (though not that significant), I would say that most dentists would benefit more from actual dental CPD and to stay away from these exams unless you're thinking there's a chance you will specialise in the future. I can think of many more useful things I could've done with the time invested in the primaries. Having said that, would I have actually utilised that time well if I hadn't been enrolled in exams? Who knows.

I am unsure what the orientation course will be this year as it is online as well but I assume it may just be recordings from last year and live Q and A sessions as we had last year. For me who tends to go overboard on the studying, the time between the orientation course in 2019 and the exams in 2019 was insufficient and I took on board a lot of stress which goes against my lifestyle. It was much more relaxing to do the course in 2019 and attend the exams in 2020. There is however the urgency factor that is lacking when you give yourself an extra year to study and it is very easy to put off studying when you know you have lots of time. 

The examiners emphasised this is an exam you can't cram for but I don't think they understand the capabilities of some of the candidates. I do know people who only studied for a few weeks and passed fine. Honestly I didn't find the exams particularly difficult and definitely overprepared (which is my way of going about things). If you cover the past questions you'll be pretty right for the written exam but they will catch you out on the vivas. However, the weighting of the marks favours the written exam (75/25 if I recall correctly). 

Contrary to my belief, there was actually commendations given for good marks. I knew there was a prize given for the highest aggregate mark but from what I read it was just pass/fail for everyone else. It kind of demotivates you knowing this because you're either the best or part of the rest. However I was surprised to be given commendations in all the subjects afterwards which is essentially a letter saying you've achieved >80% in any particular subject.

From here I'm back on dental CPD and which is more comfortable territory. I am unsure as to the effect the exams had on me in terms of training my skills to study but I'm sure that I've benefitted somewhat. To an extent, it was a litmus test for me to see if I was cut out for specialising and I know now that it would be fine if I entered the course. I may not be amazing but at least I could get through it. From here I would probably do the Final exams for fellowship but what is holding me back is there is literally even less information than the primaries available as to what these exams are about. I have no idea as to what is involved, what is asked and what we should get out of it other than there is a fair bit of self directed learning required.

We'll see.


  1. This was a good read. How many hours did you dedicate to study per day? Ive got a family so trying to figure out if I'm going to have enough time to study and pass. Going to aim for next year. Any other tips and tricks? TIA

    1. Hi,

      I spent about 2 hours a night and maybe a few hours on the weekend for about 3 months. I had a week off before the exams as well to focus on study. Depends on your study style, most people would get by on much less than this as I tend to over prepare. I do know a colleague with 2 kids who is taking the exams this year but not sure how she will go until she does it.

      For you maybe get an early start if you are short of time and you can draw out the study over a longer period of time. This will definitely require a lot more discipline though.

      All the best

  2. how did you dress the question ? I mean did you explain that in details or described to the point?


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